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Some children experience academic, physical, sensory, emotional, communication, cognitive and/or social difficulties which may adversely affect their academic performance in school.  Initially, interventions in the general education program to attempt to alleviate the child’s educational problems should be provided.  If these interventions prove to be ineffective and it is believed that the student may have an educational disability, the student should be referred for evaluation to determine eligibility for programs and/or related services.  Interventions in the general education program are not a prerequisite to referral when it can be documented that the nature of the student’s educational difficulties warrants evaluations without delay.  A referral can be initiated by instructional, administrative/professional staff of Gibbsboro School District, parent(s), and agencies concerned with the welfare of the student. Preschoolers between the ages of three and five may also be referred for a Child Study Team evaluation. 

The Child Study Team is a group of professionals employed by the Gibbsboro Board of Education who provide consultative, evaluative and prescriptive services to teachers and parents regarding students experiencing school-related difficulties. The Child Study Team consists of a Learning Disabilities Teacher/Consultant, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, and for preschoolers, a Speech-Language Specialist.  It may be necessary to include professionals in other areas, including hearing, speech and language, neurology and/or psychiatry as determined by the child’s individual needs. From each of the diagnostic areas, the CST should gather data and make recommendations with regard to classification, placement, and program. 

Your child has been referred to the Child Study Team due to the difficulties he/she is experiencing in school.  You probably have many questions about what this means.  Exactly what will be done?  What will happen after the testing?  What can I do to help? 

A Child Study Team evaluation may include assessments by two or more of the following certified or licensed personnel.  A member of the Child Study Team will be assigned as a case manager for your child.  A description of what each evaluation entails is provided below for your information: 

School Psychologist

This evaluation assesses your child's cognitive abilities, adaptive behavior, and social/emotional status.  The purpose of the testing is to determine how these factors influence your child's functioning within the school setting, as well as to have a better understanding of his/her perception of some of the important aspects of his/her environment.  The evaluation may include individual standardized testing, discussion with school personnel, and observation of your child in the school environment. 

Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant

This assessment will determine your child's academic achievement, strengths and weaknesses and an analysis of his/her learning characteristics.  This evaluation may include individual standardized testing, consultation(s) with teachers and classroom observation(s). 

Social Worker

The School Social Worker will interview the parent(s), the student and appropriate school personnel to assess various perceptions and factors which may interfere with your child's functioning in school.  This will involve an assessment of the student's developmental and health history, including family history and interpersonal relationships within the family or peer group which may affect the student's progress. 

School Physician

A medical examination may be conducted by your physician or a consulting physician to determine if any physical factors contribute to your child's difficulty in school.  


This examination is conducted by a consulting psychiatrist who determines to what extent, if any, emotional factors influence your child's educational performance.