Below are the current bylaws for the Gibbsboro Home and School Association.
Gibbsboro Home and School Association Bylaws
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be the Gibbsboro Home and School Association.
Article II – Mission, Vision and Values
Mission Statement: The mission of this organization shall be to coordinate the efforts of parents, teachers, staff members, students and community members to further enhance the academic education, character education and recreational needs of Gibbsboro School through financial support.
Vision: The vision is to secure the highest advantages in academics and athletics for Gibbsboro School and to enhance the community’s social environment.
Values: The core values of the organization are:
1. Collaboration: We work in partnership with all members of the organization to accomplish our agreed upon goals.
2. Respect: We value all members of our organization.
3. Inclusion: We invite all parents, teachers, students and community members to all meetings. We value all input provided and a wide array of viewpoints and experiences.
Article III – Basic Policies
Section 1. - This organization shall be nonprofit, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.
Section 2. - In the event of dissolution of this organization, the assets of the organization shall be distributed for the benefit of the school.
Section 3.-The Gibbsboro Home and School Association Federal Tax Identification Number, or EIN, shall only be used for purposes specific to the Gibbsboro HSA. The EIN must not be shared with any other special interest group. Use of the Gibbsboro HSA EIN requires executive board approval.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1. – The membership year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30 of the following year.
Section 1a.– The membership drive shall conclude on Oct. 31 of each new school year, or the first Monday in November if Oct. 31 falls on a day when school is not in session.
Section 1b.—Late membership may be accepted until December 1 with an additional fee of $2.
Section 1c. – An active/voting member is one who paid membership dues by Dec 1 of the current school year.
Section 1d. – A person may become a new active/voting member outside this time frame only if they move into or start employment in the school district during the school year after the general membership drive has already ended. In this case, no additional fee will apply.
Section 2. Membership dues shall be $10 per household or staff person. There is an additional fee of $2 for memberships after Oct 31 as defined in Article IV. Section 1b.
Article V – Election Rules
Section 1.– Only active members, as defined in section 1b, shall have the right to vote for officers of the Gibbsboro Home and School Association executive board.
Section 2.– Only one vote is permitted per household or staff membership.
Section 3.– Candidates must be an active member, as defined in section 1b, of the Gibbsboro Home and School Association. Candidates may run for only one office. A candidate who is nominated for more than one office must declare which office he or she wishes to run for to the Nomination Committee.
Section 4. - There is no absentee voting. Active members must be present to vote. (See Aricle V., Section 14. for special circumstances)
Section 5. – All voting is confidential.
Section 6. – Voting will take place on a single ballot.
Section 7. – Any member wishing to run for an office may not serve on the Nomination Committee.
Section 8. – The nomination process will begin in March. Nominees shall be announced in April and the election will occur in May.
Section 9. – All officers must be elected by the conclusion of the June meeting.
Section 10.- In the case of a vacancy occurring in any office, a Special Election shall be held. (See Article VI, Section 3.)
Section 11. – In case of a tie, a runoff election shall take place immediately during the election meeting. The runoff election shall consist only of those who have tied; all others who were nominated and did not tie have already been eliminated.
Section 12. – A majority vote shall elect. When there is only one candidate for an office, the election may be a voice vote.
Section 13. - Once a nominee declines a formal nomination, the Nomination Committee will remove his/her name from the ballot.
Section 14.—The Nomination Committee may conduct a hybrid election, through a combination of email and paper ballots, if deemed necessary. The conditions of a vote conducted through email will be set by the Nomination Committee and communicated to all members at a minimum of seven days in advance. Email ballots will be sent out by 9am on the day of the election and accepted only up until 5pm. ok
Article VI – Officers
Section 1. – The officers of this organization shall be a president, 1st vice president, 2nd vice president, corresponding secretary, recording secretary and treasurer.
Section 2. – Officers will assume their official duties at the close of the school in June.
Section 3.– If an officer vacancy occurs during the school year, the general membership shall be made aware of the vacancy, and an election for the vacant position will take place during the following monthly meeting. All active members who wish to fill the vacant position shall make their interest known to the Nomination Committee. If the position remains vacant, the remaining Home and School Association officers may appoint a “provisional” officer until the position can be filled through election.
Section 4.– The officers are responsible for presenting the organization’s financial status and expenditure goals at each meeting.
Section 5. –Each officer shall make a reasonable attempt to attend monthly HSA meetings.
Article VII – Duties of Officers
Section 1.–The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the executive officers, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned to him/her by the organization or the executive officers. He/she shall appoint all chairpersons as he/she or the organization deems necessary. He/she shall coordinate the efforts of all the executive officers and committees.
Section 2.–The 1st vice president shall act as the aide to the president and shall perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Section 3.–The 2nd vice president shall act as an aide to the treasurer and perform the duties of the treasurer in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Section 4.–The recording secretary shall record the minutes of the organization meetings and shall have a copy of those minutes and a copy of the approved bylaws at every meeting. The recording secretary shall verify all active members present at the meeting prior to any votes taking place. He/she shall also maintain the results of all votes in the meeting minutes. The recording secretary shall perform the duties of the corresponding secretary in the absence or the inability of that officer to serve.
Section 5.–The corresponding secretary shall conduct the Home & School Association’s correspondence, and update any social media the organization uses, including its page on the school website and Facebook. The corresponding secretary shall perform the duties of the recording secretary in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Section 6.–The treasurer shall receive all money raised by the organization; keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures; and pay out funds as authorized by the organization. The treasurer must present a written statement and an oral report at each meeting. He/she is responsible for the submission of all permits such as Games of Chance and Bingo licensing. The treasurer shall ensure the organization’s taxes are submitted by April 15, or as required by the Internal Revenue Service.
Article VIII – Meetings
Section 1.– Regular meetings shall be held from September to June. There is no meeting held in December. Five days’ notice shall be given to change a date. All members shall be notified of meeting date changes via the school’s website, the organization’s social media and/or written notification.
Section 2.–A quorum shall consist of those members present at any meeting of the organization.
Section 3.—The board may permit electronic meetings, noting that participants are considered present if participating electronically.
Article IX – Executive Committee
Section 1.–The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the organization and the chairpersons and members of the standing committees. The members of the Executive Committee shall serve until the end of the school year.
Section 2.–The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to transact necessary business in the intervals between meetings.
Section 3.–The president shall be an ex-officio member in all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
Section 4.–The standing committees are: Sunshine, Membership, Publicity, Childcare and Nomination, as well as various fundraising committees.
Section 5.—The Sunshine Committee may purchase a card for any staff member, student or student parent/guardian in acknowledgement of special events (wedding, achievements, illness, etc.) The Sunshine Committee may provide Staff and Teacher Breakfasts or Luncheons. The Sunshine Committee may purchase a $50 gift card for any staff member for a new baby or retirement or departing the school after 10 or more years of service from Gibbsboro School.
Section 6.–The Membership Committee logs in all membership requests during the annual membership drive, as well as membership requests from families or staff members new to the district during the school year. The Membership Committee provides a copy of the membership list to the executive officers at the October meeting, and an updated list anytime new members join during the school year. This committee also provides the Nomination Committee with a copy of the membership list whenever an election takes place.
Section 7.–The Publicity Committee gathers information for the monthly newsletter and submits it to the corresponding secretary. The committee also assists the corresponding secretary as needed.
Section 8.–The Childcare Committee shall arrange for a junior-high student to provide childcare during the organization’s meetings or when requested by the school for a special event.
Section 9.–The Nomination Committee confirms the interest of potential candidates, creates election ballots, and verifies results of officer elections.
Article X – Funds
Section 1. – All funds raised through this organization will benefit Gibbsboro School, its graduating classes or local high school students who graduated from Gibbsboro School. All school organizations or staff members who seek a donation for their club, activity or class must do so in writing by completing the approved Request of Funds form. That organization or staff member must also have a representative attend a Home & School Association meeting to answer any questions the general membership has regarding the request for funds. The membership shall vote at a regular meeting whether or not to approve the donation.
Section 2.– An expenditure of $300 or more not related to a fundraising event must be voted upon at the regular Home and School Association meeting.
Section 3.— In the case of a funding request or expenditure that cannot wait until the next monthly meeting, a vote may be conducted through email to membership.
Article XI – Bylaws
Bylaws should be reviewed and revised if needed at the end of the school year. A majority vote of active members is needed to change them.
Revised: May 1990; June 1992; August 1997; June 2002; November 2014; June 2015; February 2019; May 2021; January 2023